Grant Wood PTA
Parent-Teacher Association
We welcome you and your Little Dog to Grant Wood! We hope the school year is filled with great learning and fun! We ask you to please consider joining and supporting the Grant Wood PTA.

Grant Wood PTA is a Non-Profit Organization and is registered under both the IowaPTA and the NationalPTA.
PTA Board Members
Erica Davis - President
Cole Felton - Vice President
Tricia Chapman- Treasurer
Heidi Sloan- Secretary
Monetary Donations

Additional PTA Forms
2024-2025 PTA Events & Meetings
8/21 Unpack Your Backpack
9/3 PTA Meeting 6 pm
9/17 McTeacher’s Night
9/19 Homecoming Tailgate
9/28 Fall Fest
9/30 Pie Fundraiser (Selling)
10/1 PTA Meeting 6 pm
10/1-10/11 Pie Fundraiser (Selling)
10/17 & 10/22 Fall Conference Crunch
10/18 VIP Breakfast
10/17-10/24 Fall Scholastic Book Fair
11/1 Gifts of Goodness Kickoff
11/5 PTA meeting 6 pm
11/11 week Pie Fundraiser (Pick Up)
12/1 Gifts of Goodness Drop Off
12/3 PTA Meeting
12/14 Movie Night
12/20 Holiday Parties
1/7 PTA Meeting & Painting Night 6 pm
2/4 PTA Meeting & Kindness Crew Activity (Valentine’s Cards) 6 pm
2/14 Valentine’s Day parties
TBD Rock & Roll Bingo
3/4 PTA Meeting 6 pm
3/6 & 3/11 Spring Conference Crunch
3/7 VIP Breakfast
3/6-3/13 Spring Scholastic Book Fair
4/1 PTA Meeting 6 pm
4/15 Family Reading Night
4/26 Movie Night
5/5-5/9 Teacher Appreciation Week
5/6 PTA Meeting 6 pm
5/16 VIP Breakfast
5/30Field Day