Data & Reporting
Results from student testing show that Bettendorf Community School District students continue to exceed state and national averages. Our high level of academic achievement is a credit to our students and teachers, and could not be attained without the positive collaborative relationship among students, parents, community, as well as our district faculty and staff.
Although testing is essential in education, academic excellence is not defined solely on the basis of high scores on a standardized assessment. Academic excellence occurs when students engage in rigorous and relevant educational experiences that link learning to life.
We invite you to read through our District Data & Reporting information to learn more about our district. The report reveals areas where we excel as well as areas that we need to focus on for improvement.
We also encourage you to help support education by getting involved through volunteering, attending public events at our schools, and becoming aware of issues affecting local education.
Thank you for your support and interest in the Bettendorf Community School District.